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2020 Employer Health Benefits Summary and Trends

The Kaiser Family Foundation along with the Health Research & Educational Trust conducts an annual survey to examine the year’s employer-sponsored health benefits trends. These trends make it easier for small businesses and employees to get a preview of what health insurance benefits could look like in the coming year.

Enrollment Trends

The most common types of insurance plans that were chosen by employers in 2020 were:

  • Preferred provider organizations (PPOs) - These plans covered a total of 47% of workers nationwide.

  • High deductible health plans with savings options (HDHP/SOs) - 31% of workers were covered under the plans.

  • Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) - These plans covered 13% of workers.

  • Point-of-service plans (POS) - These plans were less popular and covered a grand total of 8% of workers.

Health Insurance Premiums

Single and family coverage premiums each rose by about 4%. The premiums were around $7,470 and $21,342 respectively.

Worker Contributions

Employees contributed $1,243 for single coverage and $5,588 for family coverage premiums.


23% of workers (particularly those who work for small employers) enroll in partially or fully self-funded plans, as compared to the 84% of workers with bigger companies.

This summary is intended to help you, as a small employer, learn the ins and outs of offering benefits to your hardworking team. Contact NY Small Health’s insurance experts for more tips on controlling your healthcare costs by finding the best plans and benefits for your company.


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